
open class PostTonalTools

PostTonalTools** is an abstract class and a toolkit for dealing with post-tonal music-theoretic and compositional conventions, including musical group theory, tone rows and matrices, etc.

  • Map a note name to a pitch-class (0 - 11). Returns nil if a direct mapping cannot be found. E.g. noteMap(F) returns 5.



    public static func noteMap(_ noteName: String) -> PitchClass?
  • Map a note name to a pitch-class (0 - 23) in 24EDO. Returns nil if a direct mapping cannot be found. Uses ‘+’ for quarter-tone-sharp, and ‘d’ for quarter-tone-flat. E.g. noteMap24(Fd) returns 9, noteMap24(G+) returns 15, noteMap24(A) returns 18.



    public static func noteMap24(_ noteName: String) -> PitchClass?